Thursday, April 2, 2009

Cake Fawcett, US >to> Mrs Lee

Fawcett emailed me last few weeks regarding her mother's birthday. She requested for a Carrot Walnut Cake with Cream Cheese frosting. She also requested for me to deliver it to her house in Taman Cempaka. Well, yesterday I delivered it to her house. I manage to send it on time. Its easy to find her house as Fawcett has already gave the direction.

When I ring the bell, the Mrs Lee came out to received the cake. She is a very nice lady. She even offer for a tips. At 1st I was thinking tips = "tips on how to improve my delivery service". But then I got what her mean tips = tips... Of course I refuse it as Fawcett already paid the for delivery charges... I laugh at my self once I entered my car... I was thinking >>Apelah bengong sangat aku nih. Pickup scooter betol<< hahah...

Happy Birthday Mrs Lee


Fara said...

hi linda.. slm perkenalan.. cantiknye semua kek awak :)

Linda Hussin said...

Fara: Salam perkenalan juga.... Thanks for dropping by ;p