Last week I've made 1set of cuppies for Fara's Hantaran. The theme is Purple & White. She agreed to add in a little bit of pink to make the cuppies look nicer. Fara also ordered another 100pcs of cuppies to cater for her families. Actually there's a story behind the baking part. Its actually around 10pm when my eyes feel like xbuleh bukak dh. Then I tought of having a nap for 1/2 hour. But instead of 1/2hour I actually falls a sleep
at the sofa. waaaa... It's terrible. When I woke up its near 5am & I got another 50pcs to decorate. huhuh.. So me was like
Panic siottt... Jd mcm lipas kudung okeh. Siap berkung fu la kat dapur tu. hehehehe... But in the end I completed all the deco and packed. When I just about to send out all the cuppies, tetiba lak hujan turun... Mmg lebat xingat okeh...Siap petir + guruh... So, instead of sending out the cuppies at 8.00pm, I only manages to send it to Fara's House at 9.30pm. My car punya air-cond losak woo...
My BLM pulak En Suami gna utk g keje. So harus kna tunggu hujan reda & En Suami smpi dr Kulim bru hantar. Anyway, Congrats to Fara & Hubby. Semoga berbahagia ke akhir hayat.
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