This order came from Dalie (she's rocks & sweet) for her wedding. She get to know me through my blog. The 16pcs cupcakes weere actually for hantaran but on next day Dalie told me that they have eaten it coz it looks so yummy (Actually it's really yummy okey... heheh).
And here is the 2tiers stacked cake. When Dalie place her order for this cake I was like 'buleh ke aku buat nih' coz I was never make a stacked cake. I've been to class on this type of cake but never practically made it. So, once Dalie confirm her order I make few revision & asked for advise from few friends a.k.a sifu; Kak Min, Kak Rani, Ms Nurainie, BakingProject@yahoogroups & many more. And here are the results... jeng jeng jeng...
cantik sangat fondant stack awak ni !!! respect la awak.... awak dah lebih advance dari kita... dah attend kelas wilton pun lagi tu... bravo !! and semoga terus maju k
kak daalia
Bakery Product: Thanks Kak Lea. Alaaa mana ada. Kak Lea lg terrer ape. Linda bru beginner. Kat Ipoh xbyk class. Akak pn best jugak ape, bleh attend class Kak Lynn Hassan & Kak Zati. Linda pn tringin nk g class Kak Lynn, tp ssh nk arrange schedule... Semoga akak pn terus maju... Jiayo... Gambate ;p
cantiknya fondant ni... :D saya ni bab fondant still seram sejuk laa..
hi linda,
thanks again for the cake. yang fondant pun sedap tau. yang cupcakes lagilah mmg marvellous! sampai makan sendiri hahaha..
thx again linda, and take care!
keep in touch.
kamalina a.k.a aimi: alaa kak aimi, linda pn terketar2 wt nye. Biasa wt 1tiers skali dpt job utk 2 tiers. Mmg letih xingat. Sakit badan wooo... Rase cm bru abis wt "project fitting" time study dedolu.. tp time study potong besi, skang kna menguli plak... heheh
dazzledalie: Hi dalie, thanks for the compliments. Kek tu ok ker smpi sana? xde senget2? Lega bila dgr rasanya sedap dimulut dalie n family. bkn ape, lain org lain taste nye. btw thanks for the opportunity...
p/s: Semoga berbahagia ke akhir hayat... cheers
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