Last Saturday I actually attended a cupcake class by Nurainie. Basically the medium used was fondant. We have to make 4type of designs. As usual my design don't turn out to be so nice. hehe. So when its time to snap the picture I change the design a bit. I put on the rose which I done once I came back from class. heheh. Owwhh, sad to say my button flower break off on the way home... So have to make the picture a bit blur lah.. hehe. Thats all for today... Happy viewing ;p

wah.. skill ko semakin canggih skrg..
aku dh pos tau hg punye sticker td..
A.Z.N.E.E: wehh... xde le ape sgt kalu nk dibandingkan dgn org lain. tp boleh le nk hidup << ayat apekah ini. kesimpulannye hidup jugak le bznz comel aku ni. hehehe
rajin bangat g kelas sehhh..bila ke agaknye leh ajo k qis yg x terer lg ni hua hua hua....
Midnite Baker @ Taiping, Perak: Haikkk Kak Qis, ape tak terret nye. Linda tgk akak nye lg cantik. Buttercream pn smooth jek... Lg baik kalu akak yg ajar Linda. Ok tak? Linda lemah tul bab2 nk smooth kan buttercream. Aik tak jadi jek ;p
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