Formely known as LittleGemz Cupcakes. Freshly baked from home. We assure you the best quality from our side. Whatsapp 019 959 0102 to place your order.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Choc Moist Cake for Maisarah
This cake was requested by Maisarah for her mother's birthday. This cake was made according to her budget. Btw, Happy Birthday Aunty Kas!!!
8" Choc Moist Cake + Choc Ganache Price start from RM50++ (depends on your design)
cantik design ni, simple but sweet.. mmg sesuai utk mak..
mmm.....sweet deco....
d'muffins: tu laa kak... sbnrnye mmg dh blank . xtau nk deco ape. last2 mcmni aje lah... heheh
Zai's Homemade Cake: Thanks kak...
farida ismail: tqvm =D
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